LLM Task Force

** Warning: ** This is a rough draft, and I’m sharing it with you after just 3 hours of brainstorming and designing. It’s not finished, and I’d love your feedback to help me refine this concept. Don’t worry, I won’t get offended if you point out the flaws – I’m a comedian, not a fragile ego!

Imagine a world where tasks are executed with precision, speed, and accuracy, freeing up valuable time for innovation, creativity, and binge-watching your favorite shows. Welcome to the future of task management, where Large Language Models (LLMs) take center stage in a distributed system that’s about to transform the way we work – or at least, that’s the plan!

As an innovative electrical engineer and part-time stand-up comedian, I’m thrilled to introduce a novel distributed LLM system structure that’s poised to revolutionize task management across industries. This game-changing architecture combines the strengths of LLMs with the power of distributed computing, creating a seamless and efficient task management ecosystem – or as I like to call it, “Task-topia”!

The Core of Innovation (or Where the Magic Happens)

Distributed LLM System Structure - Core
At the heart of this system lies the Core Component, a hub of activity that receives prompts from decision-makers and dispatches tasks to various departments. Think of it as the “task traffic controller” – minus the traffic jams and road rage. The Tier 3 LLM, a powerhouse of language understanding, generates multiple tasks from a single prompt, while the Structured Output Parser provides a template for dispatching tasks to downstream LLMs. The Task Dispatcher Chain ensures that tasks are properly configured and routed to the appropriate departments, and the JSON Dumper Core and Decision Core work in tandem to ensure that tasks are processed efficiently – or at least, that’s the plan!

Technology Department: The Engine of Efficiency (or Where the Nerds Live)

Distributed LLM System Structure - Technology Department
The Technology Department is where the magic happens, with a Tier 2 LLM processing tasks related to technology. Think of it as the “tech-savvy cousin” who’s always fixing your Wi-Fi. The Output Parser Technology provides a template for dispatching subtasks to department analysts, while the Department Task Dispatcher Chain ensures that tasks are properly configured and routed to the appropriate analysts. The JSON Dumper Technology and Decision Technology work together to ensure that tasks are processed efficiently, with the Decision Technology determining whether tasks have been assigned to specific team members – or as I like to call it, “task- roulette”!

Analyst CoPilot Chains: Empowering Experts (or Where the Cool Kids Hang Out) Each analyst is supported by a Tier 1 LLM, which provides expertise-specific knowledge and resources. Think of it as having a personal “task butler” who’s always got your back. The Analyst CoPilot Chains, comprising tools and resources, enable analysts to work efficiently and effectively, leveraging the power of LLMs to augment their expertise – or as I like to call it, “task-steroids”!

The Future of Task Management (or Where We’re Headed) This distributed LLM system structure offers a glimpse into the future of task management, where:

  • Tasks are executed with precision and speed, freeing up time for innovation, creativity, and cat videos.
  • Collaboration is seamless, with departments and teams working together effortlessly – or at least, that’s the plan!
  • Productivity soars, as LLMs take on routine tasks, enabling experts to focus on high-value tasks – or as I like to call it, “task-nirvana”!
  • Decision-making is informed, with data-driven insights and analytics guiding decision-makers – or as I like to call it, “task-vidence”!

Here is a rough sketch of a sequence diagram that shows how the system works in Department Level when a task is initiated by Department Head:

sequenceDiagram participant DH as Department Head participant TSC as Team Selecting Chain participant TDC as Task Dispatcher Chain participant DB as Database participant TR as Task Router DH->>TSC: Assign project and review tasks TSC->>DH: Analyze skills and select Team DH->>TSC: Review Team report alt Approval from Department Head DH->>TDC: Approve TSC->>TDC: Forward to Task Dispatcher TDC->>TDC: Format tasks in JSON & summarize objectives TDC->>DH: Send task summary for approval DH->>TDC: Approve tasks TDC->>DB: Write to Team To-Do List DB TDC->>TR: Post to Task Router else Rejection from Department Head DH->>TSC: Request re-evaluation of team TSC->>DH: Re-analyze and re-select Team end

Now that you have already seen the rough sketch of the system in the department level, let’s take a look at the system in the Team Level when a task is initiated by the Team Lead:

sequenceDiagram participant TR as Task Router participant TM as Team Manager participant CSC as Candidate Selecting Chain participant DepTDC as Department Task Dispatcher Chain participant TDB as Team Database TR->>TM: Assigned to Team Manager TM->>CSC: Review and Query CSC->>TM: Analyze Skills and Select Candidate TM->>CSC: Review Candidate report alt Approval from Team Manager TM->>DepTDC: Approve CSC->>DepTDC: Forward to Task Dispatcher DepTDC->>DepTDC: Format tasks in JSON & summarize objectives DepTDC->>TM: Send task summary for approval TM->>TDB: Approve tasks and write to Team To-Do List DB else Rejection from Team Manager TM->>CSC: Request re-evaluation of candidate CSC->>TM: Re-analyze and re-select Candidate end

You would have noticed that the system is designed to be very similar at both the Department and Team levels. This is to ensure that the system is scalable and can be easily extended to other levels of the organization.

Okay, how about we take a look at the system in the Analyst Level when a task is initiated by the Analyst:

sequenceDiagram participant Dash as Grafana Dashboard participant TDB as Team Database participant Graf as Grafana Alerts participant Anlst as Analyst Dash->>TDB: Query Employee's todo list table TDB->>Dash: Return Data Dash->>Graf: New Task Assigned? Trigger Graf->>Anlst: Push Notification

Your Feedback is Welcome! (or Where You Get to Roast Me) This is just the beginning, and I’d love your input to help me refine this concept. What do you think about this distributed LLM system structure? Are there any areas you’d like me to explore further? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t hold back – I can take it!

Ting Xu
Ting Xu
Innovative Electrical Engineer

Transforming Technology with Creative Vision